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very scary games on App Store search trends

Current results for very scary games search on App Store

#1 Spirit Board (very scary game)
we cant guarantee that the app communicates with real spirits.
#2 The Very Hungry Pumpkin+
best halloween game there is!!!" - player review of "the very hungry pumpkin" "the 3d graphics in this game are excellent, the best i have seen on a itouch device" -
#3 Just Another Very Difficult Halloween Game
compete with friends for the highest score using gamecenter! *
#4 Smash Birds: Fun and Cool for Boys Girls and Kids
score possible. lots of fun, action, good music and sound!
#5 The Very Scary Game Vol. 1
story and not every story is what is seems. the very scary game is an interactive horror adventure that will make you jump and cringe with every twist and turn.

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scary games