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noise meter on App Store search trends

Current results for noise meter search on App Store

#1 Decibel X:dB Sound Level Meter * eula:
#2 Decibel : dB sound level meter
tools, crowds, machinery, and other common sources produce amounts of noise that can, with continued exposure, lead to permanent hearing loss. sound level meters are useful for anyone who wants
#3 The Noise-O-Meter
a can of soda or stacking plates without filling the noise meter and before a timer runs out. challenges are based on common household items making the noise a perfect
#4 Sound Meter - Decibel Meter
smart sound level meter app. sound level meter app to measure noise volume in decibels. this app have useful features and high quality graphics. its best sound level meter app for ios device. app
#5 Too Loud - Noise Meter & Timer
of children silent for a while? with "too loud kids noise meter & timer" keeping the kids quiet will become fun and competitive. you set the timer duration, meter sensitivity
#6 SPLnFFT Noise Meter
the last time. a test tone at 1khz or a white noise or a pink noise can be generated and sent to right and/or left outputs (select the type you want
#7 dB Decibel Meter - sound level measurement tool
db= barely audible sound. 20 decibel= threshold of human hearing.
#8 Decibel X PRO: dBA Noise Meter
privacy policy: * eula:
#9 dB Sound Level Meter - Noise Volume Measure (Decibels) Free
to use sound level meter with great accuracy of measurements
#10 Sound Meter SE - Noise Power Level and Decibel Meter
smart sound level meter app. sound level meter app to measure noise volume in decibels. this app have useful features and high quality graphics. its best sound level meter app for ios device. app
#11 Sound Meter - Noise Detector
sound meter app. features: - indicates decibel by gauge - display the current noise reference - display min/avg/max decibel values - display decibel by graph - can calibrate the decibel for each devices **notes microphones in most devices
#12 Decibel Meter Pro
its a great tool for anyone who is concerned about noise levels or who needs a tool for measuring just how loud the neighbors barking dog is." useful, beautiful and lots
#13 Noise Meter Tool - Db Level
sound like a professional sound engineer with noise meter tool.
#14 Decibel Meter With Recorder
can be widely used in noise measurement in various environments.
#15 dB Meter & Spectrum Analyzer
tools, crowds, machinery, and other common sources produce amounts of noise that can, with continued exposure, lead to permanent hearing loss. sound level meters are useful for anyone who wants
#16 Decibel - Accurate dB Meter
level for safety and comfort, and may have restrictions on noise during certain hours. police officers can carry decibel meters to determine whether or not a sound is violating the
#17 Decibel Meter Sound Detector
8 hours. - start / stop / reset functionality.
#18 Decibel Sound Meter - Noise Level Measure in Db
to use sound level meter with great accuracy of measurements
#19 dB meter lite - noise measure
to +20.0db spl)
#20 Decibel 2017 - Real-time Noise & dB Meter
you understand db levels. - reset historical data at any time.

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