#1 |
DIY App – Creative Community for Kids the most awesome community for kids in the galaxy. join diy to learn new skills, find friends, and keep a portfolio. use the diy app to explore thousands of awesome challenges |
#2 |
Pinterest pieces for your home? creating a life you love? its possible. |
#3 |
App Frames & Shelves - DIY Home Screen be. just download & enjoy the app to the fullest. |
#4 |
DIY Themes - Custom Backgrounds,Themes and Wallpapers For iOS 7 to diy thousands of different combinations as you want . |
#5 |
天天美印—轻松把手机照片DIY成个性商品的APP 天天美印,让你的照片秒印成书。只要三分钟,你就可以将手机里的照片快速印制成多种个性化商品,照片书低至9.9!印精彩,悦生活,分享快乐! 功能特色: 1、9.9元购照片书 超值特惠!24页照片书仅需9.9元!来体验diy照片书的乐趣吧! 2、编辑功能强大 支持一键导入照片,智能排版,多种字体、背景、底纹供你随心调整。 3、定制产品丰富 支持照片书、纪念册、台历挂历、手机壳、抱枕、无框画等多种产品个性定制。 4、智能识别照片 自动识别照片像素,为您筛选手机里合适的印制图片。 5、海量场景模板 专业设计团队精心制作各种生活场景模版 ,宝宝、旅行、青春、毕业、婚礼、写真…… 6、随时预览分享 支持在线预览作品,把作品分享到朋友圈立即变身音乐相册,还有机会获得美印币。 7、支付方式快捷 支持微信、支付宝等支付方式。 8、印刷质量保障 每种不同的产品都交由行业内专业的印制商承制,保障每个产品印制的成品质量。 9、云盘节省空间 每个用户赠送2g免费云盘空间,电脑上的照片也能在手机上随时制作。 关于我们: 我们希望每一个用户都能得到diy照片的美好体验,期望与您的照片不期而遇。 欢迎向身边的朋友们推荐天天美印,欢迎反馈问题及建议,请通过以下方式与我们联系: 微信:天天美印 您也可以加入我们的qq交流群:112195597 留言联系我们。我们一定会认真查看及时改进。 |
#6 |
DIY Fashion Star information visit our privacy policy: https://crazylabs.com/app |
#7 |
Etsy: Shop & Gift with Style products, one-of-a-kind accessories for pets, customised furniture for your home, diy craft supplies to help that creativity flow, everyday storage solutions to keep you organised, and so much more. app features easy |
#8 |
Makeup Game Make Up Stylist 2 service and privacy policy carefully. terms of service: http://www.ninjafish.com/tos privacy policy: http://www.ninjafish.com/privacy |
#9 |
iGenapps: Apps made easy the market with no development or coding required. with our diy app builder, you will be able to design, choose, create, and publish your own app without programming. take your |
#10 |
Smash DIY SLIME - Fidget Slimy in stress situations. the game is excellent squishy anti-stress! |
#11 |
DIY Network GO regard to them, please visit http://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy for more information. |
#12 |
Design Home™: House Makeover retire online features after 30 days’ notice posted on ea.com/service-updates. |
#13 |
The Home Depot few fixes and performance updates to keep things running smoothly. |
#14 |
美甲屋 - 日式美甲DIY教程时尚美妆造型 爱美甲的你不能错过这款时尚美甲美妆app。 1、海量时尚美甲diy教程,简单易操作,自己也可以在家做美甲。 2、学化时尚的彩妆,让你每一天都美出新高度。 3、与好闺蜜分享美甲款式,一起变漂亮。 |
#15 |
美甲邦 - DIY美甲学习教程 美甲邦app,提供欧美日韩当季最时尚美甲款式图片! 1、最专业的美甲视频教学,讲解详细,易学易操作,在家轻松做美甲。 2、美妆配美甲,为你精选适合不同季节不同场合的彩妆教学内容,整体美才是真的美。 3、实用的美甲护甲技巧,爱护双手,让指尖更美丽。 4、好看的款式分享给闺蜜,一起做美甲。 |
#16 |
BuzzFeed - Quiz, Trivia & News your choices with regards to it. privacy policy: https://www.buzzfeed.com/about/privacy user agreement: https://www.buzzfeed.com/about/useragreement |
#17 |
Michaels Stores activities knitting & crochet scrapbooking & papercraft sewing & fabric storage tech + diy teacher supplies wedding |
#18 |
Lowe's Home Improvement lowe’s knows home improvement whether you’re a pro or have a diy project on your mind, our app lets you search and shop thousands of products— anytime, on the go. new! |
#19 |
Sandbox - Pixel Art Coloring of service: https://sandbox.love/terms.html privacy policy: https://sandbox.love/privacy.html best regards, sandbox team [with love] |
#20 |
iCreatife the best way to print your pics. let’s do this! http://www.icreatife.com e-mail:[email protected] |