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geek bench on App Store search trends

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Current results for geek bench search on App Store

#1 Geekbench 4
the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.
#2 安兔兔评测
is new enough and all the user comments are real.
#3 System Status Pro: hw monitor
most info • light/dark theme • copy/paste support • detailed help • regular updates
#4 Dodge Flush
hard to master. its all about timing! how long can you survive?
#5 感觉自己萌萌哒OL:2017好玩有趣的休闲游戏
safety oh! i wish you all have a good time.
#6 SYSMonitor - System Status Wgt
color model √, network √. storage(rom) √. cpu √. memory (ram) √. basic info: 1678366949
#7 Castle Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition(MCPE)
are registered brands and the property of their respective owners.
#8 RAM Benchmark
memory is main reason of the lags and system freezes.
#9 Pro Castle Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition(MCPE)
are registered brands and the property of their respective owners.
#10 Colors Merge Puzzle Games Fun
into the same color! come on! challenge the limits of mankind!
#11 Shownut - Movie Starz, Twisty Plots & Audible Chat
who want to discuss the movies and shows you love.
#12 藏头诗 - 飞花令送祝福
you like chinese culture don not miss it! 詩詞,是指以古體詩、近體詩和格律詞為代表的中國漢族傳統詩歌。亦是漢字文化圈的特色之壹。通常認為,詩較為適合“言誌”,而詞則更為適合“抒情”。 藏頭詩可以作些情書來表達愛意還可以發些恭喜別人的詩!用處非常多! 古詩的數量達幾萬首,可以用來學習,不提倡用來作弊! 藏頭詩的作用 1.作詩,發送給朋友送祝福。藏頭,藏中,藏尾任您選!為您寫詩! 2.學習古詩,古代文化博大精深,做個有內涵的人! 3.繁間體切換無壓力,還支持有聲讀詩哦,國語粵語通用。 完全不依賴網酪,本地生成詩詞!
#13 Pop Up Ball Super Boring Game
final interpretation of all of vfapp, thank you very much!
#14 CPU Dasher - 手机管家硬件工具箱集合
before displaying your step count and exercise distance data today.
#15 CPU Master - Dasher Monitor
cpu & device monitor accurate data better experience
#16 NetMonitor+
does not collect, upload and share any of your data.
#17 知识之王 闯关正式版
本测试来自最权威的丹麦门萨测试,快和你的好友比拼智商吧! 游戏玩法: 1. 根据提示选择答案,回答每一题的答案! 2. 最后得到分数,与你的好友比拼吧!
#18 点线交织 全民天天玩
全民益智游戏,解开绳子最新玩法,挑战最高智商! 点线连接打结了,你能在最短时间内将它们解开吗? 游戏玩法: 1.移动结点,直到绳结解开即可通关! 2.关卡众多,后面难度越大,时间越短分数越高,赶紧来挑战吧!
#19 重新学走路 僵尸漫步
游戏玩法: 1. 点击屏幕两侧小人即可向两边跳一跳! 2. 不要碰到怪物,被怪物抓到游戏结束! 3. 尽可能吃最多的星星!
#20 #1Galaxed X
ads rate us to support our work! have fun with #1galaxed x!