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egovernment authority bahrain on App Store search trends

Current results for egovernment authority bahrain search on App Store

#1 Bahrain Post Services
of transportation and telecommunications (mtt) in corporation with information and egovernment authority as part of their efforts to continuously improve the standards of living in kingdom of bahrain. the application
#2 Islamiyat Bahrain
""islamiyat"" is a cultural application provided by the information & egovernment authority (iga) in cooperation with the ministry of justice, islamic affairs & awqaf and the ministry of interior in
#3 Bahrain Legislations
with legislation & legal opinion commission (lloc) and information & egovernment authority (iga), in the kingdom of bahrain, to allow users to benefit from the following services: • kingdom of bahrain constitution • national
#4 eTraffic
united insurance company, ministry of oil (moo) and information and egovernment authority (iga), in the kingdom of bahrain, to allow users to benefit from the following services: - my traffic record -
#5 Student Exam Results
in the kingdom of bahrain in collaboration with information and egovernment authority allows government schools students to benefit from the following services: - enquire about the exams results. - view the previous
#6 Electricity and Water Services
the electricity and water authority in cooperation with information and egovernment authority, in the kingdom of bahrain, to allow customers to benefit from the following services: - enquire and pay bills -
#7 GovEmployee
by civil service bureau (csb) in cooperation with information and egovernment authority (iga) in the kingdom of bahrain, to allow government employees to benefit from the following services: - view and
#8 Tawasul.
pre-set performance indicator and timeframe based on the case category.
#9 Ministry of Housing - وزارة الإسكان
الإسكانية  5. خدمة سؤال و جواب  6. مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي  7. تواصل معنا
#10 Wejhaty
by ministry of foreign affairs in collaboration with inforamtion and egovernment authority allows the citizens, residents and visitors of the kingdom of bahrain to benefit from the following services: - register
#11 Sehati
athletes fitness certificate.
#12 Government Directory
to phone address book or mark it as a favorite.
#13 eShabab
the honorary board list. - receive notifications sent by the ministry.

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