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bbtan = bb + tan on App Store search trends

Current results for bbtan = bb + tan search on App Store

#1 99 Balls Evo - Break Block Games
the key point! = features = * free to play * endless gameplay
#2 BB-Balls : shoot, break the bricks
bricks as possible before they move down to the bottom.
#3 Starz
playing and head start features - no time limit - endless fun
#4 Balls Break Bricks
balls. how long can you survive on the balls break bricks?
#5 CC弹
这是一款简单有趣的小游戏,通过控制小章鱼的射击方向,防御来自四面八方的方块。 简单的操作方式: 你可以通过点击画面的任意位置或手指拖动炮口旋转来控制飞球的射击方向。 强大的辅助工具: 游戏中会随机出现各种辅助工具,包括炮火升级、画面静止、六面射击、极限火力还有金币。 炮火升级:提升你的火力火力等级,等级越高发射的速度越快; 画面静止:整个画面的方块停止移动,给你喘息的机会; 六面射击:小章鱼进入变身状态,六个方向同时发射炮火; 极限火力:以极限速度发射炮火,快速消灭周边的方块; 金币:攥钱买武器啊亲。。。 (tips:巧妙利用六面射击和极限火力的叠加效果,可以让你体验清场的快感。) 丰富多采的武器道具: 我们很用心地为你准备了各种很(wu)有(jie)趣(cao)的武器道具,它们有着不同的尺寸和特效功能,辅助你取得更高的分数,而你需要通过收集金币来抽取它们,所以,能打到什么就看你人品了。
#6 Ballz of ninja cats - shooter games
and efficiently. lets clear all the bricks and create new records!
#7 Bricks Breaker Gun
think strategically and make the most of the power up.
#8 Ball Shooter - Brick Breaker
bricks! -the angle is key point! how long can you survive ?
#9 Spring Brick
score in worldwide players ranking share this game with your friends!
#10 BBMeow
and free to play - the craziest character ever - better than bbtan and ballz - perfect time killer, ready to play anywhere! how to play: - swipe your finger down to throw balls and
#11 Brick Break Time
you can play brick break. brick break is simple, but addictive.
#12 BBMeow: Employee of the Year
and free to play - the most attractive character - better than bbtan and ballz - perfect time killer, ready to play anywhere! how to play: - swipe your finger down to throw balls and
#13 Brick BTAN
endless mode - colorful blocks thanks for choose & install this game!
#14 Pass the Stick - Free Phone Games for Hero Challenge: Spinny Finger Legend
thought so at first. and he just got a bloody zero!

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bb tan