#1 |
Class Timetable - Schedule App timetable is the best schedule app out. download now for free. |
#2 |
School Countdown - A Smart Class Timetable for Teacher and Student = + number of classes left in the semester/term + sort by class or teacher + considers the end of semester/term + extremely easy to set classes/time table + multi day and week cycle for |
#3 |
Class schedule by TimeTo have any questions: [email protected] terms of service: https://termsfeed.com/terms-service/5c8b6678a74ea05ab5f671329b35ddc1 privacy policy: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/77230409 |
#4 |
Pocket Schedule Planner student who often troubled with when and where the next class will be? *are you a teacher who often troubled with different courses of different grades & classes? *are you a parent |
#5 |
School Timetable - class study professor name, phone number, email and other information for each class with notes - classes show break times and conflict time to next class - multiple week timetable - if you have a |
#6 |
Handy Timetable easy to use and intuitive interface - simple to confirm the class hour of each class - simple memo for each course - assignment and exam schedule of each course able to be |
#7 |
Class Manager– My Homework App study planner app. download it today! |
#8 |
Weekly Timetable: The Schedule schedule! with our application you will be able to: - organize your class schedule - use the widget to view your schedule at a glance - track homework and assignments - set reminders for classes |
#9 |
School Countdown Full - A Smart Class Timetable for Teacher and Student = + number of classes left in the semester/term + sort by class or teacher + considers the end of semester/term + extremely easy to set classes/time table + multi day and week cycle for |
#10 |
타임스프레드 - 기프티콘 주는 시간표·챌린지·돈버는앱 때 사용합니다. - 동작 및 피트니스 (선택) 사용자의 걸음수를 확인할 때 사용합니다. |
#11 |
School Timetable Free - Lesson & Course Schedule for Student, Teacher, Organiser in the timetable view. - multiple timetables, e.g. have a separate class & revision timetables. - tap a day to see a list of all that days sessions. - timetables can be |
#12 |
TimeTable - Class Scheduler theme color timetable supports your school life! |
#13 |
Smart Timetable apple watch face. developers website: https://smart-timetable.app privacy policy: https://smart-timetable.app/docs/privacy-policy.html terms of use: https://smart-timetable.app/docs/terms-of-use.html |
#14 |
Time Table : Class stores the list of teacher and classroom |
#15 |
ClassMade, Student Class Timetable with homework, chat, club, news, forums, jobs, events social campus 2.0 app for college students and professors with class table, classmate chat, anonymous posting, course & professor rating, student clubs, events, news, and job boards keep your study organized * |
#16 |
My Study Life - School Planner to note everything that happens during your day, including new class projects, tests, course schedules and more.”- forbes “mystudylife is a great study planner app."- hindustan times --- why mystudylife? this powerful school organizer |
#17 |
Day-Today: Timetable or print. -create multiple timetables for different years, college semesters etc. |
#18 |
The Timetable - My Weekly Schedule timetable - my weekly schedule" is entirely zero-priced and ad-free!! |
#19 |
Timetable Pro+ or shake! tell the world, tell your friends, tell your mom! |
#20 |
Stylish School Timetable screen with only the timetable and note for school life. - class management class names, class colors, teachers, classrooms, note for each lesson - number of classes - class time setting - memo for |