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geekbench on App Store search trends

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Current results for geekbench search on App Store

#1 Geekbench 4
the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.
#2 安兔兔评测
is new enough and all the user comments are real.
#3 System Status Pro: hw monitor
most info • light/dark theme • copy/paste support • detailed help • regular updates
#4 SYSMonitor - System Status Wgt
color model √, network √. storage(rom) √. cpu √. memory (ram) √. basic info: 1678366949
#5 Castle Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition(MCPE)
are registered brands and the property of their respective owners.
#6 CPU-x Dasher z Battery life 跑分
the widget. finally, support iphone16 series and ipad air 5 model
#7 CPU Dasher - 手机管家硬件工具箱集合
before displaying your step count and exercise distance data today.
#8 RAM Benchmark
memory is main reason of the lags and system freezes.
#9 Shownut - Movie Starz, Twisty Plots & Audible Chat
who want to discuss the movies and shows you love.
#10 CPU Master - Dasher Monitor
cpu & device monitor accurate data better experience
#11 冷知识大全-增长见识,开阔视野,启迪思维
冷知识就是让你知道越多越快乐的东西,鲜为人知却充满了生活常识,可以让人增长见识,开阔视野,启迪思维,引发强烈的求知欲... 冷知识”指的是琐碎的、庞杂的事情或知识等,或许饶富趣味、并随时充斥在我们的生活周遭,却鲜少人会去注意,这些知识看似有些稀奇古怪,却可以让人增长见识,开阔视野,还能启迪思维,引发强烈求知欲。冷知识可以启迪思维,引发强烈求知欲;然后给出科学的答案、入情入理的解释.绘声绘色 的描述,让人恍然大悟,受益无穷,直至成为一个无所不知的“神人”。 本“冷知识大全”收集整理了n多日常生活中的冷知识,本软件在手,让你成为冷知识达人,让周围的人从此对你刮目相看!
#12 NetMonitor+
does not collect, upload and share any of your data.
#13 #1Galaxed X
ads rate us to support our work! have fun with #1galaxed x!