ASO App Store Optimization service

strava running and cycling on App Store search trends

Current results for strava running and cycling search on App Store

#1 Strava: Run, Bike, Hike
renew at the same cost. terms of service: privacy policy:
#2 Runmeter Running & Walking GPS
when the user purchases a subscription, where applicable. privacy: terms:
#3 Cyclemeter Bike Computer
when the user purchases a subscription, where applicable. privacy: terms:
#4 AllTrails: Hike, Bike & Run
clear your head, alltrails+ makes the great outdoors even greater.
#5 Velogram for Strava Cycling
you to boost existing rides/runs!!
#6 ReRun - For Strava
you purchase a subscription. ============================================================= terms of service:
#7 Miles - track walking, running and cycling stats
bite sized, easily shareable interface. miles uses the apple healthkit and strava apis - the app presents your exercise data tracked through apple health and strava in a new way, provided
#8 FITIV Pulse Heart Rate Monitor
if pro subscription is purchased. terms of service: privacy policy:
#9 Relive: Run, Ride, Hike & Walk
to the ‘manage subscription’ page in settings. terms of use:
#10 Map My Tracks: ride run walk
can dramatically decrease battery life. terms of service: privacy policy:
#11 Bit of Exercise
and waist. • share your results with friends on twitter, runkeeper, strava and dailymile. • import and export to and from runkeeper, strava, dailymile, gpx, tcx, kml, and csv. "fantastic app and
#12 Map My Tracks: ride hike pro
can dramatically decrease battery life. terms of service: privacy policy:
#13 Trackyzer
at your sole risk. location data may not be accurate.
#14 WorkoutSnap
@workoutsnap use #workoutsnap to get featured on instagram, facebook, or twitter
#15 HealthFit
services. but if you still prefer to use apps like strava or training peaks, healthfit has you covered with reliable automated background syncing. one fitness app that does it all healthfit combines
#16 行者户外-骑行徒步跑步工具
【專為戶外運動愛好者打造的工具+社區app】 1、全國數千萬騎行、徒步、戶外愛好者和俱樂部都在用,人氣高,氛圍好! 2、記錄運動軌跡、功率數據、連接碼表心率踏頻、海拔曲線、坡度評級、找戶外路線、導航、組隊、線上賽、勳章成就等超多實用的功能! 3、幾百萬條騎行和戶外路書,100多萬條社區帖子,眾多運動小姐姐和大咖專欄,10萬篇運動知識文字,內容豐富! 4、支持healthkit,可同步運動數據到iphone系統健康應用。 【滿足你運動的各種需求】 記軌跡:記錄你的運動,數據回顧分析一目了然; 連設備:相容最多的協力廠商運動設備,並支持手動導入數據,方便統一管理個人運動情况; 用路書:戶外運動使用路書離線導航,幾百萬條路書涵蓋全球,再也不用擔心迷路走錯路; 找組織:數十萬騎行、跑步俱樂部,總有適合你的那個圈子; 約騎友:覆蓋全國605個都市,線上組織並參與騎行活動,約騎附近的騎友; 報比賽:全年數千個騎行、跑步、越野跑比賽,一鍵報名; 新發現:10萬條知識庫,各種最新科學前衛的運動知識信息流刷不停; 行者幫:運動圈最大論壇之一,100多萬條帖子,相互交流,共同提升; 炫勳章:數百個個性化勳章,參與特定活動獲取並展示; 曬運動:與1000萬運動愛好者分享運動軌跡,比拼運動熱度; 贏挑戰:月度挑戰,年度挑戰,集齊12個月度勳章即有實體金牌入手; 買裝備:正品運動商城,行者專屬高科技智慧運動裝備,運動越多,優惠越多; 找車店:尋找行者官方認證的精品車店,服務專案、門店詳情盡在掌握。 【全國運動愛好者好評如潮】 北京騎友:“用行者2年多了,記錄了300多條軌跡,總里程一萬多公里,現在我騎車已經離不開行者了!” 四川山友:“出去徒步都不用gps了,行者上有很多路書,還能離線導航,比手持機好用!” 廣東跑友:“上面的運動知識太全了,商城也很贊,特別實惠,發貨快,是正品!”
#17 Mobile
performance history. terms of use:
#18 Velographic
these moments with your friends and family. velographic connects to your strava account to get your activities, so if you dont use strava, then sadly youll be unable to use velographic
#19 Route Pepper
that publication, where applicable terms of use: privacy policy:

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Related to strava running and cycling terms
