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slowly on App Store search trends

Current results for slowly search on App Store

#1 Slowly - Make Global Friends
unlimited letters for free with optional paid features terms of service:
#2 lettrs - Meaningful Messages
policy and terms of use, visit the following link:
#3 Saveurs Green
pour les éditeurs et les groupes de presse.
#4 EatSlowly
eat, and feel fuller longer.
nobex technologies.
#6 Eat, Chew, Rest
basket for points. send in your comment, suggestions or testimonials. [email protected]
#7 Despacito Dance
to guide you support: are you having problems? send email to [email protected]
#8 Dont Crash - Do not crash Crazy Car Highway
not run out of fuel! beat youself and beat your friends!
#9 Smoke Revoke - Gradually Quit Smoking
comparisons to see how far youve come, and yes, more!
#10 Slowly , Please Touch Flowers !  ー To a shocked heart ー
リラックスしてもらえるといいなという願いを込めた 〜 スロータッチ・ゲーム & ひと月ごとに変わる音楽。  そして、一人で抱えていると耐えられず、生きる力を失いそうなそんな  ” たまらない ” 気持ちを、電話かメールで伝えてみる。” 誰かに気持ちを話す “ ことで、少しは楽になることが出来るかもしれません。  白い夏椿(沙羅双樹)の花など、感情(気持ち)を持った3種類の花たちがアニメーションしながら、青い空へと消えて行きます。気持ちは、移り変わってゆきます。
#11 Spider Fall - A Tap to Stop and Break your fall
our newest games, as and when they launch. facebook: website:
#12 Slow Motion Video Player - EasySlow
and slow motion playback is possible with simple operation. -- © easyslow
#13 Mr Green - Escape sure death by dodging obstacles
our newest games, as and when they launch. facebook: website:
#14 Leap Slowly
a great game to test your fast thinking skills.
#15 HAPIfork
hapifork over bluetooth smart® to coach you to eat more slowly and to see your eating stats in real time. with the hapifork app paired with the hapifork, you can see: how
#16 drawPlay slowly or otherwise
parameters. save and load images by accessing your devices photo library.
#17 企鹅赛跑--一只拥有飞行梦想的企鹅
front of you, to challenge your ability to respond quickly.
#18 Chlow
chlow * chlow = chew + slow -> chlowing = chewing slowly * how do we use chlow * chlow can be used regardless of where / what you are eating and
#19 Bomb Drop flying helicopter action game
our newest games, as and when they launch. facebook: website:

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