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dictaphone+ on App Store search trends

Current results for dictaphone+ search on App Store

#1 Dictaphone - Audio Recorder
ideas to visit us at to learn more.
#2 Dictaphone Voice Recorder
and emailed to you • record directly on your apple watch
#3 Audio Memos SE: Voice Notes
settings on the app store after purchase. terms of service:
#4 Dictaphone
assistance -- spread the word and tell your friends about dictaphone
#5 Recorder Plus - Audio Editor
to the users account settings after purchase terms of use:
#6 Alon Dictaphone-Voice Recorder
ideas to visit us at to learn more.
#7 Rev: Record & Transcribe
mag ( have a question? see our help center: privacy policy:
#8 Noted - Record, Transcribe
[email protected]. tiktok: @notedapp instagram: @notedapp facebook: everythingnoted x: @everythingnoted privacy policy: terms of service:
#9 dictate2us Record & Transcribe
staff have no means to remove data from our systems.
#10 Instant Rec Lite: Audio Recorder & Voice Recording
free version: maximum 10mb - audio quality cannot be changed
#11 Voice Tuner - Vocal Changer
or accompaniment to your song privacy policy: terms of use:
#12 Temi - Recorder & Transcriber
privacy policy you own and control everything about your recordings:
#13 Ez Dictaphone - Voice Record
download and use, all features already fully unlocked for you.
#14 Dictaphone - Voice recorder
share your files on the fly. 4. supports itunes file sharing
#15 Philips voice recorder
dictation app can be seamlessly integrated into your existing workflow.
#16 Simple Dictaphone
using a microphone. recorded audio are available through itunes file-sharing support
#17 Dictate + Connect Lite
manages no more than 5 dictations at the same time.
#18 随声鹿 - 专注录音13年
随声鹿是一款拥有众多专业功能的全能录音软件、录音机,它能录制高音质音频,进行ai降噪,声音干净清晰;录音转文字、文字转语音、变声器、人声分离等功能专业可靠;用随声鹿记录个人备忘、工作会议、课堂学习、讲座分享、演讲采访、家庭时刻等简单高效,它是你贴心的随身语音备忘录。 功能 录音转文字 实时录音转文字、录音文件转文字精准快速,自动识别发音人,标记重要内容,支持导入音频和视频。 文字转语音 效果媲美真人发音,海量发音人供选择;支持超长文字转语音,内置文字模版;可添加背景音乐,调节说话语速。 真人变声 将声音变换为指定人声,男女音色随意切换。 人声分离 提取音视频中的伴奏,获取背景音乐;提取音视频中的人声,消除背景杂音。 高清录音 一键开启录音,声音干净清晰。 播放控制 创建播放列表;音量、音速调节;单曲、列表、ab点循环;定时停止播放;快进、快退指定秒数。 音频剪辑 裁剪、调整音速、调整音高、添加背景音乐、降噪、插入、拆分、删除空白、渐强、渐弱、制作铃声。 分享方式 微信、qq、抖音、网页、二维码、wi-fi共享、云端共享、网页链接。 鹿声圈 听听鹿音人小伙伴们的心声,给一个评论、点赞肯定和鼓励小伙们的分享。 其他 语音提醒:在口袋里播放的任务清单。 屏幕录音:录制手机正在播放的声音。 只在说话时录音:轻松录制夜里打鼾、说梦话的声音。 视频分享:将录音制作成视频分享到短视频平台。 隐私政策: 使用条款:
#19 Voice recorder - dictaphone.
best choice for those looking for sound recording app. thank you
#20 Voice Recorder - Dictaphone, Annotations, Geo
lectures   - meetings   - conferences   - reports   and much more!

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