#1 |
Emoji Drop levels • endless mode • totally addictive - stalk us: facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deadcoolapps twitter: https://twitter.com/deadcoolapps web: http://www.deadcoolapps.com |
#2 |
Helix Balls Jumper sliding touch operation - rich game scenes - specially designed exciting levels |
#3 |
Ball vs Colors! reach to us in case of any questions or suggestions! |
#4 |
Umbrella Drop! a frenzy and smash through the obstacles experience umbrella drop! now |
#5 |
Helix Jumper - Spiral Tower world! |
#6 |
Gravity Helix with every spin! boost your way to the leaderboards boost up the helix and dodge obstacles with lightning-fast reflexes to compete against your friends and solidify your position as a chart-topping champion! play |
#7 |
小米的海上冒险-女神围棋上的跑酷 故事描述的是一个幼儿园的小女孩小米,她听从爸爸的建议去学围棋,可她学了一阵后就不怎么喜欢学了,有一天她在电视上看到一个和尚表演轻功水上漂很有趣,她想到一个天真的水上漂方法:用橡皮筋把围棋罐发射到海面上,然后跳到围棋罐上去借助围棋罐的支撑再马上跳起来,这样一定可以在水面上跑更远, 一天围棋课下课了,小米拿着围棋罐溜出教室,她想一定可以超过那个和尚跑的更远的, 结果遇到了很多稀奇古怪的事情, 变异的苍蝇老虎和海贼联手控制着海面,设置路障收取过路费... 玩法: 点击屏幕跳起,按压屏幕时间长再跳起可以跳得更高,滑动屏幕瞄准用橡皮筋发射围棋罐;跳向海面马上向落水点发射围棋罐,脚接触到围棋罐马上点击屏幕再跳起,发射围棋罐可以击落海贼等怪物,也可以打飞仙人掌路障。 |
#8 |
Color Ball - Jump Switch Road invite you join us in game improvement and upgrade.contact us! [email protected] |
#9 |
数字求合体-点点plus as the score increases, you will see more new elements. |
#10 |
球球向前冲-保护气球完美守护你前行 makes the game more interesting! come and challenge the high scores! |
#11 |
SPIRAL PLUNGE you. • social sharing for boasting rights! • completely free to play and enjoy. enjoy! |
#12 |
Drop Stair - Jump Ball play drop stair - jump ball and just have fun! |
#13 |
Block Color Drop in few minutes - play this game everyday can improve brain enjoy! |