바둑 on App Store search trends

5 place

Current results for 바둑 search on App Store

#1 BadukPop Go
https://badukpop.com/terms questions? reach out to us at support@badukpop.com. happy go practice!
#2 Tsumego Pro (Go problems)
just get a hint - a book theme (black and white)
#3 UNO!™
site at www.letsplayuno.com follow us on facebook for more updates: www.facebook.com/unonow
#4 바둑2.0
결과에 따라 보너스 보상이 지급됩니다.
#5 Yandex Go: Taxi Food Delivery
of services and options may vary depending on the region.
#6 Go Game - 2 Players
music. - sign in and view leaderboard. have fun playing go game!
#7 Bingo Tycoon!
does not imply future success at "real money gambling." follow storm8
#8 SmartGo One
licensed under the standard apple terms of use (eula): https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
#9 GO / Taxi app for Japan
notification permission must be turned on when using this service.
#10 忘忧围棋—围棋入门围棋人工智能围棋题库
experience professional-level go matches against ai right from their phones.
#11 GoQuest
the chinese rules. enjoy free online game of go (igo/baduk/weiqi)!
#12 GO! Dice Rewards: Dice & Event
managed through your app store account settings. privacy policy: https://sites.google.com/view/dicelink-go terms: https://sites.google.com/view/dicelinkterms
#13 五子棋—双人单机版手机策略对战小游戏
一黑一白两相争,妙趣横生五子棋! 先手要攻,后手要守。以攻为守,以守待攻。八卦易守,成角易攻。五子要点,次序在前。攻守博弈间错综复杂,烧脑无限! 界面清新优雅的五子棋游戏,操作简便、功能齐全,不仅有人机对战模式,还支持人人对战。是一款休闲益智必备的经典手游 游戏功能: 单机对弈,多种ai等级选择,支持挑战不同的电脑难度 双人pk,与好友来一局久违的棋盘厮杀 支持两种落子方式:放大落子和直接落子 持方选择:可选择黑棋或者白棋。黑棋为先手,白棋为后手 悔棋:一招不慎?你依然可以选择悔棋功能,挽救战局 随时随地分享你的战绩
#14 오로바둑
인터넷 대국, 기보, 사활문제 제공 "사이버오로"가 제공하는 인터넷 대국 서비스와 스마트폰용 바둑 서비스를 스마트폰으로 무료 이용 할 수 있습니다. 유료회원 구매를 한 회원 아이디는 유료회원 기간 동안 프로바둑 생중계와, 자동대국, 놓아보기, 형세분석
#15 围棋—单机版围棋对弈入门
围棋,一种策略性两人棋类游戏,中国古时称“弈”,属琴棋书画四艺之一。围棋起源于中国,蕴含着中华文化的丰富内涵,是中国文化与文明的体现。 现推出围棋游戏,让您在掌上领略中华五千年的传统文化。从初级房到高级房,各种对手任你选,超智能ai,单机也能提升棋力,界面精美,快来开启你的围棋之路吧! 【好友房】 建立房间,邀请好友和你一起对弈,不在一起也能尽情厮杀! 【单机练习】 不同难度让您不断成长,还有复盘功能,沉浸在围棋的研究中吧! 【双人对弈】 小伙伴在身边,但又设备不足,双人对弈解决这一烦恼! 还有酷炫皮肤,围棋游戏自动存盘,围棋练习宝典,从零开始学围棋,轻松入门,忘忧忘愁! 亲爱的玩家们,我们很高兴向您推出新的更新!在此版本中,我们进行了一些细微的更改,以使游戏运行更平稳。如果您有任何问题,可以通过app首页的反馈入口给我们发送问题和建议。我们将很乐意提供帮助!
#16 Checkers game
– download our app now and let the games begin!
#17 ™ Go
into the intricate and fascinating world of go starts now!
#18 WILD - Card Party Adventure
is the card party everyone wants to be invited to!
#19 ™ Gomoku
to enjoy the strategic depth of gomoku on your phone!"
events are available as well. check the website for details.) --------
#21 星阵围棋-玩与学
ai解题技术 闯关 - 超大题库超过50000道题目 - 参与全部星阵棋友纵向排名 拍照识别 - 拍照识别终局盘面可进行终局数子 - 未终局盘面可分析研究 棋谱复原 - 导入展示手数的棋谱图片可自动复原棋谱 - 智能猜测被提棋子手顺 - 复原棋谱可保存、研究或生成报告等 课程 - 职业棋手精品专题课 - 启蒙课边学边练 -------------------------------------- 成为星阵高级会员 5种配置、3种时长星光卡,任意挑选 按年办理享受更多优惠 -------------------------------------- 联系我们 如在使用过程中遇到任何问题,请联系我们: 客服微信号:golaxy_xingzhen(添加客服好友后,有问题直接留言即可,客服不定时在线)
#22 围棋死活宝典-单机版围棋入门围棋练习经典版
independently. persistence and daily practice will lead to faster improvement.
#23 PutNumber - Simple Puzzle Game
studio game planning and programming: tokuda takashi game graphic design: tokuda aoi
#24 Go Books
and igo, it is played by millions of people worldwide.
#25 Tygem Go Lite
go players club) league live broadcast fo the smile club
#26 Tap Tap Cash - Money Clicker
jackpot system! and much more! Сlicker game that can be played offline)
#27 Light GO 13x
refer to the readme of the app or app support.
#28 Random Dice: GO
support@111percent.mail.helpshift.com ■ operating policy - terms of service: https://policy.111percent.net/10040/prod/terms-of-service/en/index.html - privacy policy: https://policy.111percent.net/10040/prod/privacy-policy/en/index.html
#29 PVGo - Weiqi Go Baduk learning
pvgo app to play in people vs people mode too.
#30 Three Kingdoms HEROES
battles, play against your friends and family in "private match"!