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santa tracker app on App Store search trends

Current results for santa tracker app search on App Store

#1 Speak to Santa™ Christmas Call
santa! voice call santa! message santa! track santa! the only santa video call app with varied and customizable conversation options! santa actually knows all about you (12 facts including your
#2 Countdown to Christmas ⋅
through different social media networks like facebook, twitter and instagram!
#3 Where is Santa Lite
free version is ad supported.
#4 Santa Tracker - Track Santa
around, this is the one to download.” - imore features • where is santa claus right now? • what is santa doing right now? (e.g. shopping for christmas gifts, checking the reindeer farm, getting
#5 Santa Claus Calls You - 3D christmas games tracker
ages! have fun playing the top match 3 puzzle game today!!
#6 Santa Tracker Christmas Free
a letter to santa. santa tracker is the perfect tool.
#7 Santa Dude
this years must have christmas app!" are you naughty?! beat up santa with some hilarious weapons! ho! ho! ho! or are you nice? then you will love decorating him with
#8 Santa's Scan-O-Matic
app for parents to help keep their kids mindful of santa claus throughout the holiday season! kids behave when they know mom or dad can pull out their iphone or
#9 NORAD Tracks Santa Claus
can also play games, read stories and more!
#10 A Call From Santa Prank : Fake Phone Call
harm and is only for fun!
#11 Speak to Santa™ - Pro Edition
santa! voice call santa! message santa! track santa! the only santa video call app with varied and customizable conversation options! santa actually knows your name! on christmas eve you can
#12 Santa Tracker
information screen. thank you.
#13 Catch Santa Claus in my house for Christmas
qualtrough (cc by-sa 2.0) app support:
#14 Santa Games - Santa tracker
for the xmas festive holidays!!!! -- can you find a diferent santa on the north pole factory? -- each week a new level and world its uploaded!!! ;) this is factory level! can you
#15 Santa Tracker and Status Check
stay up to date this christmas, and see where is santa claus and what he is up to! this santa tracking station has three features: 1) track santas location on the map
#16 Santa's Bag
highly customizable views/sorts/filters * christmas countdown timer * database backup and restore
#17 Santa Countdown Race
of all ages. try it out now!
#18 Christmas Santa Tracker 2023
unique feature of this app, is the ability to track santa and find out where in the world he is! each press of the santa tracker button returns a location
#19 Santa's Naughty or Nice List
functionality. download today and have some fun this holiday season!
#20 Santa Tracker
---------------------------------- special offer sale - price reduced ----------------------------------

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