#1 |
Video Call Santa 2.0) preview credits shared by real users. for full versions, visit https://www.facebook.com/videocallsanta |
#2 |
Julia's Kaleido is handled by parallel algorithm in shading language, resulting in the fastest julia and mandlebrot sets presenting in the way you have ever seen! |
#3 |
Plotagon Story your mind? for plotagon terms of use please refer to: https://www.plotagon.com/terms-of-use/ |
#4 |
Translate Professional professional translation tool right at your fingertips! terms of use: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/ |
#5 |
Quaternion Julia Raytracer Lite camera roll. |
#6 |
Julia ( http://mag.sendenkaigi.com/brain/ ) on my ipad from start to finish, julia lets you explore a 3-dimensional fractal and render out high resolution images. ** please note, only iphone 5s, ipad air |
#7 |
Dr. Julia Kinder connect here with renowned physician, consultant, speaker, and author dr. julia kinder as she leads the thrival tribe. through her own personal life experiences, daily life as a working mom |
#8 |
Capti Voice purchases a subscription * terms of service: https://www.captivoice.com/capti-site/public/entry/terms_of_service * privacy policy: https://www.captivoice.com/capti-site/public/entry/privacy_policy |
#9 |
Toy Army Men Soldiers War action! take your plastic assault rifle and start the fight! |
#10 |
Julia's Challenge - The Logic & Password adventure career,finding the acient primitive tribes and historical site. although julia has been with his father for a lot of great adventures,she is still required to be tested,for indendent adventure |
#11 |
Jula get product information directly in your phone welcome to jula app! |
#12 |
Quaternion Julia Raytracer selecting an environment that will be reflected on the object. quaternion julia raytracer is the first real-time raytracer for the iphone 3gs and iphone 4. it renders the quaternion julia fractal |
#13 |
Sketch Pad - Julia's Drawing by provides to him a free space with drawing tools. |
#14 |
Audioteka - audiobooki kłopotów lub uwag prosimy o wiadomość na adres e-mail: [email protected]. |
#15 |
Jason Horror House Survival: Friday Escape Mission have fun playing jason horror house survival: friday escape mission! |
#16 |
Mirror Mirror: The Untold Adventures FREE integration for leaderboards allows for competition follow us at: www.facebook.com/jumpgames |
#17 |
Ultimate Cookies cone and icing and get ready for some serious fun! julia m. usher’s ultimate cookies puts the power of creative cookie decorating into the palm of your hand. each cookie |
#18 |
MusicSoft Manager is a free online storage service provided by dropbox inc. |
#19 |
Fast Fractal coordinates and number of iterations - easily switch between mandelbrot and julia sets fast fractal is made by the developer of tchess (the popular chess app) and learn chess (the apple staff |
#20 |
Cosplus 光妍 光撩美甲DIY 【歡迎愛美甲的妞妞們和cosplus 光妍一起玩美甲!】 『cosplus 光妍』提供了一個簡易明瞭的操作平台,讓喜愛指甲彩繪的美甲迷可以方便快速的選購『光妍光撩指彩』,輕鬆上手不卡關! 行動商城app與官方網站同步更新商品,提供時下流行的繽紛指彩,在這裡,妳絕對可以輕鬆找到屬於自己的命定色。 光撩指彩是目前時下最流行的美甲方式,利用uv光照射,指彩可在短時間內快速乾燥固化,施做過程簡易方便且快速,無論是在美甲沙龍店,或是自己在家diy,都是現代人最喜歡,也最容易取得的美甲方式。 【快來下載官方app,流行時尚一手掌握,行動購物最方便!!】 ■ 獨家優惠只在這! 不定期推出限時免運商品、app獨賣價、折價卷,眾多好康優惠只在app~ ■ 好康訊息不漏接! 每周只會推播一次,平時不吵不鬧,只在重點時刻貼心提醒~ ■ 輕鬆購物三步驟! 利用手機號碼快速登入,將喜愛商品放入購物車,刷卡結帳三日內快速出貨~ ■ 線上刷卡好方便! 使用ssl 128bits 最高安全等級加密信用卡快速結帳,手機付款方便安全又省時~ ■ 24小時行動購物不打烊! 隨時想到點開app即可購物,喜愛收品一鍵收藏,可在多個裝置同步使用,省去重複搜尋的困擾~ 【產品特色】 品牌創辦人julia對產品的主要訴求只有『安心無毒』! 因深感市面上充斥著太多品質參差不齊的光撩產品,對於剛入門的消費者來說存在著許多風險,而本身又是深愛光撩的美甲迷,因此決定幫消費者把關,研發出一系列安心無毒的產品。 不含有機溶劑、甲醛、重金屬等有害物質是基本條件,通過sgs檢測更是給消費者一個最放心、最有力的保障! cosplus 光妍指彩繽紛多樣,好刷好塗,且持久性佳,受到眾多美甲師與知名部落客的肯定,價格親民,不需要美甲證照也可以買得到,因此希望能推廣給更多喜愛光撩的妞妞們,一起來享受成為自己專屬美甲師的樂趣吧! ■ mit安心好品質 所有的凝膠產品皆是在台灣生產製造,好的光撩凝膠是用純樹脂製作,不含溶劑,因此不會有指甲油的刺鼻臭味,孕婦和小孩都能安心使用哦~ ■ 色彩顯色飽和 薄擦一層即顯色,輕刷兩層更加均勻飽和,亦可用於彩繪細膩圖案不暈染! ■ 美甲師與知名部落客大力推薦 回購率高!靠著好口碑已漸漸在台灣美甲界擴展開來,各大美甲店已陸續大量訂購,CP值超高的光撩指彩! 【趕快下載app,和cosplus 光妍一起『玩美甲』吧!】 |