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canvas by instructure on App Store search trends

Current results for canvas by instructure search on App Store

#1 Canvas Student
new grades and course updates, and much more!
#2 Canvas Parent
for assignments view assignment grades view course grades set grade alerts view course announcements
#3 Canvas Teacher
is a teacher’s most valuable resource. save time and use canvas more efficiently from your mobile device with canvas teacher. canvas teacher allows teachers to facilitate their courses on the go,
#4 Polls for Canvas - create and take polls in Canvas by Instructure
lose students to confusion, boredom, or both. the solution is canvas polls, which allows you to instantly assess student comprehension with live, in-class polling. canvas polls is free, easy-to-use, and
#5 The Creator - Mix Elements to Create New Items!
music and sound enjoy a fascinating journey of discovering and creating!
#6 InstructureCon 0017
to have this app handy before and during the conference.

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polls for canvas - create and take polls in canvas by instructure