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smart wifi camera on App Store search trends

Current results for smart wifi camera search on App Store

#1 WiFi Baby
etc.) vertical and horizontal camera image adjustment intuitive and clean user interface
#2 Smart Wifi Camera
1) 专车专用wi-fi行车记录仪。 2) hd超高清行车视频,超强夜视录制效果。 专业级6g全玻镜头,170度超大广角视野 内置wdr宽动态影像处理 支持一键静音 支持一键wifi开关切换 支持安全预警:轨道偏离报警 支持碰撞感应 支持移动侦测 支持停车监控 支持语音播报 支持手机app wifi互联
#3 ez Share图朵
auto-push function. any suggestion or comments are appreciated. email: [email protected] website:
#4 Mebo
lift and carry nearly anything you set his mind to.
#5 WiFi Smart Cam
which save in wifi camera by the app.
#6 AT&T Smart Sync Monitor
screen video monitor (#05010) which can be purchased separately.
#7 geeni
meet geeni. your wish is geenis command. control all geeni smart home and smart health devices in one easy app, from anywhere in the world. geeni is easy enough for
#8 Im Scope
2 / new ipad *iphone 4 / 4s *ios 5.1 or later
#9 Masterforce™ Inspection Camera
well taking still images. the device transmits video wirelessly to smart devices, enabling the user to inspect visually inaccessible areas. the camera connects via wifi to most smart devices using
#10 SmartV - My Smart Lifestyle
#11 ismartgate Cam
alexa, so you can build a safer and smarter home.
#12 Hipcam Smart & Secure Access
building has the vdc installed, you will have different functionalities: 1. smart access, enter the building intelligently - login through facial recognition using ai - opening of the entrance to the building through
#13 iNanny Monitors.
to stay close to your favorite people, pets and places.
#14 Alcatel Monitor for IPC 10-FX
to stay close to your favorite people, pets and places.
#15 Vivitar Go Life
application giving you easy and quick access to all your smart home apps, including vivitar smart home and vivitar capture cam2. with this app you virtually have full control of
#16 Beurer CareCam
the perfect addition to your by 88 and by 99
#17 YHDO Smart Eyes
1:p2p即插即用,不用设置,只要把网线电源插好,不要电脑网络知识也能自己diy装好,没有电脑也能装好,只要你有一部手机也能装好。和普通网络摄像机相比,省却了繁杂的设置过程,不用用户了解什么ip地址,网关,域名,更重要的是,不用在路由器里做端口映射啦。 2:普通网络摄像机不能用的地方也能用了,国内很多铁通,小区宽带,长城宽带等复杂网络环境,传统的网络摄像机不能适应这么复杂的环境,所以很多用户买了,只能内网看看,想远程网看根本就不可能,有了yhdo smart eyes系列即插即用产品,再复杂的环境,也能一穿而过,不用任何设置
#18 叮咚-移康智能家居
night vision
#19 青果摄像机-最有温度的智能摄像机
青果摄像机-最有温度的智能摄像机 网易netease & 中国电信联合出品,重新定义网络智能摄像机,更快联网速度,更佳观看体验。 2015年5月底正式发售首款智能硬件设备——青果摄像机,实现社交、通讯和智能硬件等多种需求场景的无缝衔接,迈出了打造智能硬件整合平台的第一步。 青果摄像机将在智能家居管理和信息采集方面发挥重要作用。摄像机支持wi-fi连接、1080p画质录制及云存储,提供有“红外夜视”、“动态预警”、双向语音”“卡录远程读取”等功能,并可一键分享至各大社交平台,其强大的云检测平台可为家庭用户提供7×24小时“实时录播”。 2017年7月青果摄像机hd2.0版全新上线,拥有2.8mm自动对焦、123°超大广角镜头,镜头具有全自动白平衡、增益控制和背光补偿等功能,可拍摄1080p高清画面,一方面可满足家庭安防监控的需求,另外也为户外拍摄、各种智能家居场景应用提供支持。 通过以下方式关注青果,获取最新产品动向和活动信息。任何疑问、建议、合作,欢迎前来咨询: 易信公众号:青果摄像机 合作邮箱:[email protected]
#20 ActionSavvy
download videos and photos from camera to your ios devices

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smart wifi