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bpm counter on App Store search trends

Current results for bpm counter search on App Store

#1 Metronome - Tap Tempo & Rhythm
manually set any tempo; - tempo ranges from 10 to 250 bpm beats per minute (timer). ***sound sets*** - over 10 handpicked sounds for every band and style; - metronome for drums, piano, and
#2 Catch The BPM - BPM Counter
to change the text color and background color.
#3 BPM Counter - Find the beats
on the screen each time you hear the beats.
#4 Metronome 9 - Tempo & Setlists
customizable sound for first beat, main beat and sub beat
#5 A1 BPM counter - audio tool app and beats per minute calculator
start thump finger in the application window, and then a1 bpm counter calculates the rhythm up to strike. a1 bpm perfectly suits creative people, for whom music is no empty sound.
#6 BPM Counter App ∎∎ EDM BPM
setting. strobe intensity decreases the faster the tempo gets.
#7 BPM Tap Counter
the bpm with the metronome. bpm(beats per minute)
#8 clickTrack - BPM Counter
for automatically rounded numbers
#9 HeartBeat Counter Free
4s and an iphone 5 or any other news models.
#10 BPM Visual Counter
mirroring option to visual plot simple use. beautiful design. perfect accuracy. bpm visual counter helps musicians calculate the beats per minute (bpm) of their favorite live or recorded songs. a central
#11 Simple BPM Detector - Detect Beat Per Minute Tempo for Songs
free today and see how it work out amazingly!
#12 TapTempo - tap for BPM
or more times, and youll immediately see what the current bpm is. keep tapping, and the beats per minute counter reading gets more precise with every tap. made a mistake?
#13 The Metronome by Soundbrenner
settings. terms of paid services: terms of use: privacy policy:
#14 iBeat - BPM Counter
while the number of beats per minute (bpm) can measure.
#15 BTAP - The BPM Beat App
metronome mode or maybe you just want to measure your heartbeat.
#16 Beatnik: Real-time BPM Counter
lie in an interval from 90 to 180 bpm.
#17 BPMCounter
to get its bpm value. pressing "reset" will restart the app.
#18 BPM what's next? - A bpm counter for vinyl DJs
the next track to play with the following features: - simple bpm counter (tap to measure, swipe left to reset) - track list with artist, title and an optional image ordered by
#19 bpm - Tap Tempo Counter + Game
you are listening to, and it spits out the answer."
#20 Music BPM
anyone needing to know bpm or tempo of music

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