#1 |
Voice Changer ' to that publication, where applicable. privacy policy: https://code2suo.github.io/easymake.github.io/privacy_policy/voice_changer terms of use: https://code2suo.github.io/easymake.github.io/termsofservice/voice_changer |
#2 |
Distance Meter Bat Box sonar analyzer - range finder 2m display mode: the distance to the object with the most significant echo is displayed. measurements can be stored in memo list. analysis mode 1: only the stronger relevant echoes are shown on |
#3 |
Echo! app that repeats everything you say into it with an echo effect... effect... effect. just turn it on and speak into your iphone, ipod touch, and ipad and youll hear |
#4 |
Echoes - Season 1: Greenhearth possibilities are different each time you start a new game. |
#5 |
Big Echo i-Box i-box 手機程式並登記成為正式會員,您可以輕鬆掌握最新優惠資訊,並即時享用獨家購物驚喜! 【主要功能】一覽: *手機版會員卡:只須下載手機程式並登記成為正式會員,便可享用會員優惠,毋須出示會員卡,讓您盡情體驗購物方便及樂趣。 *最新消息:為您提供即時潮流資訊及推廣,隨手掌握最新消息! *會員優惠:尊享全年會員折扣優惠,詳細列明優惠內容,讓您一目了然。 *電子優惠券:您更會隨時隨地收到各種精彩購物驚喜、限時優惠及生日禮遇。 * 其他功能包括: 分店網絡搜尋及快速call功能,貼心帶給您無限方便,讓您與 big echo i-box 更親密。 |
#6 |
Distance Meter - Bat Box sonar analyzer / range finder display mode: the distance to the object with the most significant echo is displayed. measurements can be stored in memo list. analysis mode 1: only the stronger relevant echoes are shown on |
#7 |
EchoBox - record and play back pronunciation. the sound threshold and silence duration are configurable. |