ASO App Store Optimization service on App Store search trends

Current results for search on App Store

#1 - Search Dating Apps
that aren’t your type. swipe less and match more with - the smartest and most powerful dating app yet! you can “like” by swiping, or use a “like-a-lot” to increase
#2 Forj - Jewish Dating
solution. download forj today for free, and see for yourself!
#3 Aª Dating Justin Bieber edition free- photobooth with crowdstar for woman's day
the position as expected 4. enjoy and share facebook, twitter, mail..
#4 Matcher en Jeu de Rencontre
and practice all the ways to get a girl hooked!
#5 A¹ M Dating Selena Gomez edition - photobooth with crowdstar for fan community
the position as expected 4. enjoy and share facebook, twitter, mail...
#6 Now - Meet People Nearby
more. love now not later. ----------------------------------- privacy policy: terms of service:
#7 我愛大明星
助你緊貼香港,台灣,韓國各大明星的即時近況, 每隔一小時更新活動資訊
#8 戀愛進行時 (繁體中文互動戀愛游戲!免費下載!心動無限!)
2017年制作人感言: 感激各位在這一年來的支持,但因為制作成本非常的高,我們在節衣縮食的2016年中也沒能夠省出制作艾德里安的成本,我們會在這一年繼續努力的。至於有玩家反映不知道價錢的問題,每一條主線劇情若28.00hkd, 其他貨幣應該也是差不多的。再一次感謝各位不殺之恩! ************************************************************************************************ 剛畢業的我,踏入夢寐以求的巴黎時裝界,成為juliet的設計師。 幸運碰上機會嶄露頭角,卻又遇上波折! 這時,我還沒察覺,一段浪漫難忘的戀情正為我拉開序幕…… 霸道總裁、異國調酒師、年下設計師、神秘富家子…… 誰才是真命天子? 邂逅真命天子,開啟你和他的甜蜜戀愛故事! 戀愛互動,心動無限,你的他彷如近在咫尺! -------------------------------------------- 玩家評語: “溫馨結局,彷如回到初戀!” “各種奇怪結局,令人猜想不透!” “好期待更新!” “角色都好帥啊,我的選擇困難症又犯了……” “霸道總裁快點愛上我!!” “什麼時候可以追謝明銘!你們給我說清楚” “策劃出來,我們談談bad ending,保證不打死” “菲爾,我的菜!!” “費艾王道!!” -------------------------------------------- 全女班 (98%)製作!精心打造最單純,最有情懷的乙女向遊戲! *自動保存! *自己決定結局! *精美插圖! *兩大令人臉紅心跳的結局! 到底花落誰家?誰能得到妳的青睞?
#9 BluMatch A.I. Dating Preview
pending a.i. powered by the most powerful computer on earth!
#10 Belong Smart Dating
swiping, texting and ghosting. belong is free to download and use.
#11 PlusOne Social
easy to use interface - tens of curated and sponsored events
#12 A¹ M Dating Selena Gomez edition - Pro photobooth with crowdstar for fan community
the position as expected 4. enjoy and share facebook, twitter, mail...
#13 AIMM - Matchmaking & Dating
before and after the date. welcome to the future of matchmaking.
#14 Singol 交友APP
我們相信簡單就是美,singol將功能、介面盡量精簡, 使每個人都易於上手。 >> 輕鬆認識: 遇見心儀對象可直接向對方表達心意,緣份一觸即發。 >> 安全交友: 我們設有完善的舉報及監察機制,杜絕虛假或詐騙戶口。 現在就註冊singol交友app,體驗與眾不同的浪漫之旅! vip服務計劃 訂閱『vip服務計劃』,確認購買時,將向itunes帳戶收取費用。訂閱將於會籍到期日自動進行續購。系統會自動續購直至閣下自行終止訂閱為止;若要終止訂閱,請於會籍結束的24小時前到itunes中取消。於singol中訂閱『vip服務』代表閣下同意我們的訂閱『vip服務計劃』服務條款。 『vip服務計劃』服務條款: 『vip服務計劃』私隱政策: vip服務計劃月費 vip服務計劃分為 1個月,3個月及12個,平均每月只需 $48
#15 Betterhalf: Matrimony App
app. make your marriage happen, with betterhalf. download and register now.
#16 简简单单 - 照片打分交友聊天
简简单单 - 照片打分交友聊天
#17 Viola.AI (MVP)
crowd wisdom (coming soon) - enabled with real-id verification (coming soon)
#18 Icebreaker.AI
subscription is until you decide to cancel the service.
#19 Facial Labs
within 20m - in-app chatting - manage contact list - view search history

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