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scene partner on App Store search trends

Current results for scene partner search on App Store

#1 Scene Study
scene creation. - headphone and bluetooth support for limitless rehearsal opportunities.
#2 ReelMe - Acting Auditions
youre meeting post and audition for roles for free, with reelme.
#3 Rehearsal® Pro
my butt when i was thrown a major new dialogue scene 45 minutes before we started shooting it. i plugged the new scene into rehearsal and i was off book
#4 Sides - Rehearsal Partner
well as record the other characters’ lines to run the scene with. no more relying on scene partners to help you learn your lines. with sides you can also store your
#5 Acting Partner
your scenes. identify your character and acting partner will create scene readings for every scene in which your character has dialog. or, create scene readings of your own with one or more
#6 The Actor's Lines
recordings - i can export a script to send to a scene partner or acting coach - i can loop one scene or play all scenes through and loop to the beginning -

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