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google lens on App Store search trends

5 place
3 place
9 place
1 place
8 place
7 place

Current results for google lens search on App Store

#1 Google Translate
welsh, wolof, xhosa, yakut, yiddish, yoruba, yucatec maya, zapotec, zulu
#2 Self-Timer Camera
have to ask some unknown persons to take you pictures!
#3 Docs² | for Microsoft Office
trial subscription. © 2013-2018 docs squared, llc. all rights reserved.
#4 Babelshot: Translate Instantly Using Phone Camera
yiddish. please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
#5 Dictionary Lens Instant Definitions Scanner Book
you all over the world ;) in-app purchases to remove ads.
#6 Photo Slides - Slideshow Video With Music Creator
to use 2. various transitions 3. add bg music 4. custom video speed
#7 恋人との出会いは「恋人探しLove Lens」 - であいと恋人探し簡単な恋人探しアプリ
■詳細■ 新しい恋人や近所の友達を無料で探してみましょう! まずは写メを見てピンと来た相手と気軽に絡んでみましょう! 探してたお相手と意外と会えちゃうかも!! ■こんな人におすすめ■ ・運命の恋人を探ししたい! ・新しい友達を探したい! ・真剣に恋活相手を探したい! ・snsのidを簡単に探したい! ・近所で飲み友達を探したい! ・会社にはなかなか出会いが無い! ・同じ趣味の人を探したい! ・誰かに悩みを聞いてもらいたい! ・気軽に話せるメル友を探したい! ・日常生活にもっと刺激がほしい! ・グチを誰かに聞いて欲しい! ・誰でもいいから即会いしてみたい! ■注意事項■ 18歳未満の方はご利用になれません。
#8 My Translator - dictionary
thai, turkish, udmurt, ukrainian, urdu, uzbek, vietnamese, welsh, xhosa, yiddish.
#9 Handwriting-Number
learning for this app. to help children learning writing number. enjoy it.
#10 XYZ Translate - Browser Widget
your safari browser at all. the translations are powered by google and are 99% accurate. just 2 taps to translate any page. the app supports 50+ languages and is very

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Related to google lens terms

google lens app
google lense