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duolingo free on App Store search trends

Current results for duolingo free search on App Store

#1 Duolingo - Language Lessons
learn a new language with the world’s most-downloaded education app! duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons. practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing
#2 Tinycards - Fun Flashcards
the most downloaded education app in the world. *flashcards for duolingo vocabulary.* love duolingo? review the words you’ve learned with duolingo course flashcards! *prepare for tests effectively* tinycards uses spaced repetition and other
#3 Spanish Dictionary +
common phrases • quote of the day improves wisdom and motivation
#4 Hangman Dojo
review to help us improve continually. thank you very much!
#5 French Dictionary +
common phrases • quote of the day improves wisdom and motivation
#6 必读名著60部 - 书籍是一生的旅行人生智慧小说
读一本好书,可以让人改变人对生活的看法;读一本好书,可以滋养人的心灵;读一本好书,可以改变人生道路的方向... 坐下来,伴着阳光和书香,翻一翻自己喜欢的书,度过舒适愉悦的阅读时光。... 坐下来,在这些书房的阳光里慢慢读一本好书 坐下来,伴着阳光和书香,体会阅读的快乐吧。 等一班地铁,读几页好书;睡前看上几页。在都市的快节奏里寻找心灵的宁静吧。
#7 Russian Dictionary +
common phrases • quote of the day improves wisdom and motivation
#8 Translate Voice App Translator
that publication, where applicable privacy policy: terms of use:
#9 Portuguese Dictionary +
common phrases • quote of the day improves wisdom and motivation
#10 古诗词典-不一样的诗词
与教育部专属配套小学、初中、高中语文教材配合使用,你可以在背诵诗词时添加收藏,系统会自动将古诗词同步到古诗词典应用中,为您智能安排学习和复习。 3. 科学的学习、复习算法 采用学习、复习两套科学的智能算法,自动根据你的记忆效果智能调整你的学习安排,固强补弱,重点突出,让你用更少的时间掌握更多的诗词。 4. 丰富的词库 提供唐诗、宋词、元曲、古诗、楚辞、全唐诗、全宋词等经典之作,帮助你学习诗词的注解、释义和鉴赏。它像一条精神的长江、灵魂的黄河,对人民潜移默化,陶冶情操,哺育了一代又一代的华夏子孙。 5. 中国风主题 儒雅中国风的精美设计,让你置身于如画般的诗意。 我们立志为学生、家长、老师服务,以传播中华文字、弘扬传统文化为己任。 联系方式: qq:1353223754
#11 Scannable Converse ترجمه مترجم
to that publication, where applicable privacy policy: terms of use:
#12 新概念英语-每日单词语音训练大全
#13 Learn Spanish Words - Palabras
spanish through daily reminders with hundreds and hundreds of words.
#14 Beelinguapp: Language Learning
current period. privacy policy & terms of use: terms and conditions
#15 少儿趣配音-儿童英语口语练习app
订阅周期:1个月(vip连续包月产品)。 -- 订阅价格:以iap申请信息为准,例如连续包月产品为每月25元。 -- 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入itunes账户。 -- 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在itunes/apple id设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。 -- 续订:苹果itunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 -- 隐私政策: -- 用户协议: -- 自动续费协议: -- 会员服务协议:
#16 Grammar TOP: Learn English App
join a community of language learners from around the world!
#17 Little Chatterbox for Kids
content of for your account - no advertising, text or pop-ups
#18 Serbian Dictionary +
common phrases • quote of the day improves wisdom and motivation
#19 Kids Doodle & Discover: Garden Animals - Puzzles That Make Your Brain Pop
our kids’ app: - do not collect any personal information
#20 Croatian Dictionary +
common phrases • quote of the day improves wisdom and motivation

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