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大姨妈月经期助手-女性健康攻略社区 大姨妈app,1.2亿女生都在用的女性健康攻略社区。 你是否遇到过这些健康问题? 月经日期记不清?总是被突袭手忙脚乱? 久备不孕很焦虑?备孕套路傻傻搞不懂? 大姨妈app可以这样帮助你: 预测月经周期:提前2天提醒你月经即将到来,做好准备,安心等月经到来。 智能推算排卵:每日提醒好孕几率,科学备孕。 1.2亿姐妹在这里分享他们的经期护理窍门、备孕孕育经验和健康生活瞬间,热情互帮互助、答疑解惑。在这里可以安心地向姐妹们提问,收获中肯有用的经验和建议哟! 【注意事项】 -大姨妈app已支持接入healthkit,可同步您的基础体温、睡眠、点滴出血等数据到「大姨妈app」中,以便为您提供快速记录服务。 您可以在【我的】-【设置】-【健康硬件】-【接入苹果健康数据】中开启healthkit数据接入。 大姨妈,和你一起在乎你 |
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Timeline and Friends Activity to improve watch features? this app is for you. read your facebook timeline directly on the apple watch. 1) start the application in the smartphone 2) login inside the smartphone 3) push it in |
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Web on Your Watch popup 5) import into webwatch 6) navigate on your https:// secure website |
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WristPost for Facebook you are, when ever. how to setup: start by linking your facebook account to your apple watch through secure sign in. we log you in through the official facebook platform to |
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Remote Brightness for Apple Watch screen and to change its brightness, creating a relaxed atmosphere. |
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Quotes 明言 independently without iphone after syncing with it once. contact developer: [email protected] photographer: www.instagram.com/youngmincho |
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Pawnshop - Micro Movies for Apple Watch the smartwatch. - includes 20 minute audio-video playable on apple watch. |
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Farmer: Clash of Animals on the screen! you can choose from: - farm animals with sounds! - facebook friends faces |
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Wall of Selfies & style free app, no ads just to share some fun together |
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IM+ Watch media support! connect with the im+ team: twitter - twitter.com/implus facebook - fb.com/plusim |
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WatchSocial keep in touch with friends by updating your status on facebook through your precious apple watch. with this app you can: • dictate or scribble for update your status facebook • view your |
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iFans News in real-time. get notified by push notification as it happens. |
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FollowMe GPS life. we appreciate very much your feedback! please write us to [email protected] |
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Likes Counter for Watch your watch face(complications) numbers of likes of your favourite facebook post. likes number means summary of all reaction (like, love, wow, haha, sad, angry, thankful) your watch need to |
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大姨妈 ●专业月经管理软件,更有备孕、孕期、宝妈多种模式任您选择! ● 经期日历帮您记录数据,身体状况一手掌握!专属锦囊实时更新,为您健康保驾护航! ●每日更新最火两性、健康、时尚、娱乐等话题干货,热门资讯看不完! 【特色功能】 ●首页快捷记录,记录更便捷! ● 健康小助手24小时在线服务,为您的健康问题解疑答惑! ●关爱计划贴心定制,呵护你的每一天! 【友情提示】 ●安全期避孕有效率很低,预测仅供参考,请采用安全有效的避孕措施!!! ●怎么算周期天数? 周期天数为上次来月经第一天,到本次来月经第一天的前一天(一个完整的周期中包含有一次月经). 举个例子,上次是6月1日来,这次是7月1日来,周期就是6月1日到6月30日,周期天数为30天. 如果在计算周期的时候把来月经的几天去掉了,那么你算出来的“周期”就是错误的. *******注意不要填写错误哦!******* ●若在使用中遇到任何问题(忘记在线功能密码或需要其他帮助),或是有意见和建议,或是发现错误,请联系24小时客服qq800041796或客服邮箱dayima#yoloho.com(#替换为@) ●由于个体差异和女性体内激素的易波动性,任何软件都无法保证100%的准确预测率,但是大姨妈一直都在尽100%的努力来优化预测方法,提供完善的提醒,统计,修正功能,让预测日趋精准.你在日历中每一次的完整经期记录,都能令大姨妈的预测更加准确,感谢你的举手之劳!用大姨妈的女人,向来最美丽. |