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kindle app on App Store search trends

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Current results for kindle app search on App Store

#1 Amazon Kindle
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#2 Goodreads: Book Reviews
to goodreads’s terms of use ( and privacy policy (
#3 Amazon Shopping
be found in the footer of your local amazon homepage.
#4 Free Books for Kindle Fire, Free Books for Kindle Fire HD
was not created or endorsed by amazon.”
#5 Audible: Audio Entertainment
apple watch • whispersync - seamlessly switch between reading on your kindle and listening on audible • sleep timer - set a timer before you fall asleep for when the book should
#6 Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
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#7 Hooked
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#9 Kobo Books & Audiobooks
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#10 TopBuzz News: Breaking & Local
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#11 Cliffhanger - Chat Stories
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#12 eBook Search - download books
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#13 Kindle
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#15 Tap by Wattpad
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#16 Books - 23,469 Classics To Go. The Ultimate Ebooks And Audiobooks Library
are recent 5 star reviews on the app store **
#17 eBook Buffet -- Daily menu of free Kindle books
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#18 Coloring Draft
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#19 淘宝-太好逛了吧
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#20 Book Deals for Kindle, Book Deals for Kindle Fire
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